Welcome to Vessel Operators Ltd.
Shipping Without Borders
We provide outstanding and superior shipping services around the world. We are a dedicated team of experts.
We operate floating terminals for oil and gas giants in the offshore oil and gas industries, in compliance with OCIMF guidelines for Offshore Tanker Operations.
• Provide vessel traffic management service for the offshore terminal operations.
• Coordinate Berthing & Unberthing of Vessels on SPM, F(P)SO or Quayside. Operate Tugs and Launches during the operations.
•Operate Anchor Handling Towing and Supply Vessels, DP and non-DP for Offshore Platforms and Drilling Rigs.
•Provide Mooring Masters & Pilotage service for the offshore terminal operations.
•Coordinate Loading & Discharging, provide Loading Masters & Tanker Teams for the terminal loading and discharging operations.
•Manage documentation and process port clearance for the vessels calling at the offshore terminals.
•Provide Inspection, Repair and Maintenance supports including buoy and hose change out, dive and ROV surveys, general maintenance and repair.
•Operate Security vessels , provide support for Oil Pollution abatement, Fifi, Navigation aids, Piracy protection
•Provide boatage services for safe and effective crew change to/fro the offshore terminals.
Start Getting Our Services Today!
We provide professional services driven by our industry standard safety procedures targeted at optimizing cost and maximizing profits.